The goal is not to be a know-It-All professor of all walks of life
Oppressing people with acquired knowledge
But to liberate souls and be a moon light in their dark night

The goal shouldn’t be to appear rich to every soul
By wearing expensive things and living a flamboyant life
But to be self-sustaining with a philanthropic heart

The goal shouldn’t be to frivol around with every opposite sex
But to have that one special person who will be
An epitome of intellect and virtuous character for companionship
Having an outstanding relationship that many will admire to have

The goal is not to appear like the Sadducees and Pharisees
In clothing of self-righteousness
Wearing a deceiving look like a white tomb
But to be a fore-runner and proclaimer of the good news
In the grace of God that has found us for special works

The goal is not to act like a boss making life unbearable for everyone
By filling our pockets of covetousness with the allocation of the masses
But to be a true leader with the mind-set
Of making life better for all and sundry

The goal shouldn’t be to make laws that will empower the few
To extort and make the majority live in fear
But the type that’ll protect and preserve the rights of every citizen
Even to the last letter in good faith

The goal is not to criticize anyone or make them feel bad
About their present way of life
But to educate and re-orientate in love
Until we have a better society we all can be proud of