When conjugal is no longer blissful

He who finds a wife has found a good thing they say
Cos it’s meant to be that all wife must be good
But null is it based on the situation of this present generation
Cos the world’s polluted and highly disturbed

The walls are broken, our defence is down
The ethics and moral values that did upheld us
Have totally lost its core strength like an uprooted plant
Cos people who were once careful are now carefree

When conjugal bliss becomes a miss
Friends at first sight become foes
Not putting into consideration all they’ve done together
But ripping the band aid off becomes a theme

When conjugal is no longer blissful
Men who were once loving and caring
Become cold and less passionate in act
They turn wild and devouring like a wolf
Cos of a missing piece of togetherness

When conjugal is no longer blissful
Women who were once like earth in nature
All accommodating and self-sacrificial
Becomes an analyst of complains and keeper of grudges
Cos they now see everything as burden
A weight on their fragile shoulder

When conjugal is no longer blissful
Children become victims of broken home
Walking the street like lost souls from dawn to dusk
Becoming nuisance and menace to their environment
Because their guide and mentors have been torn apart

When conjugal is no longer blissful
The society is on the verge of doom
Cos one of its upholding unit is breaking down
And children who are meant to be hope for rebuilding
Are on the street lost in illusion with no future

When conjugal is no longer blissful
Our cultural heritage is being dishonoured
The society is at loss of hope
The future of a country is on the downside
The entire world is on the verge of breakdown