
To a Woman whose worth and value are unquantifiable - Happy Birthday Ademi 

For every sunset, there is an expectation of a sunrise
For it symbolizes a new day and a source of new hope
A chance to say within us with a smile and courage
Oh! I’ve just been blessed with a new opportunity

Sunrise, a sign of grace and favour from the creator
Silent but speaking out loud to every breathing soul
Both the just and the unjust, saying
I’m still happy with the world despite their shortcomings

Sunrise, a spring of life and hope to all creation
A source of assurance that these challenges we will outlive
The backbone of survival for all
On to which, we all depend on for our existence

But when the sun choose to set and never rise
The world will be in total disarray,
Chaos, distress, fear, and misery
Will be the world’s fate and more

When the sun choose not to rise again
So is our hope and strength, and our lifeline of living
These words become mere dictionary inputs
While survival becomes a question of unlikeliness
And all we see is death

So remember this day, that you’re my sunshine
Indispensable, like the air I breathe
For your values are innumerable and priceless
And unto nothing here on earth can I compare thee

Thoughts of you brighten me up and help me smile endlessly
Every second spent with you place me at ease like a snail in its own shell
Your presence gives me unlimited strength and in it, I’m able to forge ahead

You are to me fortitude and spring of ceaseless peace
That helps me say to my soul, all will be well