His Divine Plan

His divine plan for us was unique

Fantastic, fabulous and second to none

This the devil saw and was jealous

Which made him hunt us tenaciously

The success of his tentative chase

Took us away from His face

Into a world of struggle and pain

To multiply in our cursed state

Day and night do we struggle

Trying to make an impact in our present form

Which is Adamic and sinful in nature

A complete package of the enemy’s wish

Even our self-righteousness amounted to nothing

But a pile of stinking filthy rags

Glory was the day I knew of this truth

That a Man had come to pay my dues

Not partially but with His blood in full

That by the devil, I may no longer be fooled

Now I’m forgiven, restored and made whole

Welcomed back into His family, filled with grace

Positioned to function in His divine will

Through His spirit, ever available like air

To guide and strengthen me always

As I run my race, even when the flesh wage