Like Shooting Stars

Like a shooting star, we fell
Right into the temptation of the cunning devil
He was jealous of our relationship and position
So he came after us like an angry contender
Putting enmity between us and God
By patterning our glorious image after sin

The aftermath of sin was terrible
It brought us into deep fear and subjection
Sent out of the Creator’s presence
Into a world filled with pain and death
To soil and toil in the absence of Grace
A complete package of the enemy’s wish

Glad Grace found us in our sinful state
So we may be reunited with our Creator
Restored back to our original position
That the devil might forever be shamed

Hallelujah to the Lamb of God
He came as the perfect atonement for us
By giving His life that we might be free
And no longer be entangled by the aftermath of sin.