“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me”

Happens to be one of the chapters in the Scripture

That speaks of duty, hope and fulfilment

To every life attached to God’s divine will

A larger set that we are a part of as a true believer


So, what then shall be spoken of him

The supposed Baptist known with God’s name

Redeemed for a purpose as a branch in His vine

Garnished with series of spiritual and life-changing gifts

Positioned to be a lifesaver to the drowning soul around him

Got caught within the web of some shenanigans

Because he became complacent with his spirituality

Busy fighting to fix the body while the soul rot away

Just because he became too familiar with His Maker


What then shall be said of him

An appointed soldier called to stand in gap

To become a bridge, connecting people to grace

Has wilfully decided to walk away from his duty post

Just because his daily need came between the crossfire


Now the carrier of content is but an empty container

Busy making noise worse than a tinkling cymbal

Seeking to be for his people, an advocate of peace

When he’s no longer with the Prince of Peace

An unwise fellow

Who gradually walked away from grace hoping to get raised

What then shall become of him?


Hear it, the conclusion of the whole matter

You were born to burn, not in hades

But with the transforming power of God’s grace

Capable to revive, restore and renew

Ever sufficient to see you through the race before you

“But for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross”