The calling before me
Speaks of crown and glory
But the things I must do
Require great insight and vigour
The road map ahead of me
Calls for extreme perseverance
For that which must be done
Is able to change the course of history
I’m a man on a mission
With a dignified sense of reasoning
Willing to pay some required sacrifices
For peace to take its place among men
For this, I choose to be courageous
Not for me but for all and sundry
Who seems to have lost all hope
Of any light at the tunnel’s end
I am a man on a mission
In a battle that good tidings may come to be
Unto them whose world seems dark and foggy
That they may have some illumination
I am on a path for justice
To every bereaved soul out there
Who mourns for the joy taken from them
That they may live to tell the tale of restoration
So, until every heart gets flooded in light
With love and sense of belonging
And hope seems alive for humanity again
I am, and will be on this mission.