A Child Through Grace

The journey to being in right standing with God

Is extremely not a little thing if I may say

It comes with that part of letting a whole lot got

Things you consider sacred or hold so dear

Causing you to step into inconvenience

Situations we sometimes smile at out of no choice

But causes great grieve within us

Like the parting of a mother and her beloved baby

Things we just have to let go because of a greater glory ahead

Guess what, the Spirit also understand this and our limitation

Despite our boasting, through our self-acclaimed self-righteousness

Placing our justification on the so-called good deeds we’ve done

All of which amounts to nothing but filthy rags

If not, how then shall we justify this given gift of grace

That is way beyond our works and every earthly record

Not a kind of thing you pull out your school grades to apply for

Like a newbie heading to college from high school

Neither is it something you apply for with your C.V like a job

You don’t consider yourself qualified based on the things you’ve done

Being moral, ethical or selfless doesn’t qualify you either

But we are considered to be His children, a chosen generation

Because we were justified freely by faith through His blood

A gift of grace that found us despite our unworthiness

That helps separate our righteousness from that of a Pharisee