The Encounter


As generations come and go

So are things being passed down

But by the look of things, presently

If care is not taken

What will be passed down by this present generation

Might become watered and of less value

Unto those that’ll come up after them


For we have come to a generation

Who profess that they know God, but in their works deny him

Inquisitive in nature

Keen on seeing proofs, sign and wonders to believe

Who are more canal active than spiritually alert

On the verge of becoming a mere historian of the Word of God

If the miracle of a personal encounter doesn’t come soon


They are wrapped up with the fear of meeting their daily needs

Leaping from post to post in great worry, distressed

A tool in the hands of the devil to have them in control

Making them blind to that which is truly needful


Shall we say their prolonged union with pain

Has distorted their lenses of view

Having them wonder about the authenticity

Of what they once had a strong conviction for

Making them ask questions like John the Baptist

If Jesus is the chosen or to await another


They have heard and read about your greatness

But my desire is that You bring them O’Lord

To a place of a personal encounter with You

That they might tell their stories with a strong conviction

Unto the generations that will come after them

Passing down the encounter of Your greatness

Which they have experienced like the apostles of old


This is my sincere outcry to You, God of heaven

For this is a timely issue that needs to be addressed

But I know Him who I believe, so I’m at peace

For His words are Ye and Amen, the I AM