How True is Your Calling?


We have come to a generation

Where patience seems to be out of stock

And men are desperate for immediate actions

They are tired of hearing philosophical stories

Of one Almighty God, who was, is and is to come

That we claim to have all the power and authority

Capable of bringing a solution to their troubles

Things that cause them to grieve day and night

So I’m asking you, the called, how true is your calling


His word says where two or three are gathered in my Name

There I’ll be in their midst to show forth the Excellency of my name

Are your gathering no longer in His great name?

That sinners no longer feel touched in His presence

That the sick and bereaved don’t get to have a taste of His healing

The broken-hearted still go back with heavy heart

Despite the fact that His presence is full of joy and liberty

What then is going on?


You say to them be healed! Receive power! It is well with you!

They respond with loud Amen, as an evidence of faith

Though might be little as a mustard seed, but it’s all God need

But the change doesn’t come as prophesied

So, don’t blame men when they ask where your God is

If all you have to offer are stories of what your God has done

Until you prove your calling and election to be sure

With great diligence, in the excellency of His power and might

They’ll continue to regard you as a noisemaker and nuisance


Then, for how long shall we continue to question the alternatives?

When we have failed to show forth the authenticity of what we carry

So, let your light so shine before men that they might see your works

By bringing them to a place of encounter with a kingdom that is provable

And give glory to your God, as a testament of His grace on your calling

Let your light shine, here and now! The world is waiting


2 Peter 1:10