Project in Progress

"Before I formed you, I’ve known you"

That's what’s written in your Word

And the last time I checked

Your Word You’ve lifted above Your name

And I consider it a statement filled with fact

For I’ve been privileged to know Your word is true

So, here I am before you, like clay before the potter

Earnestly seeking to be revamped like a structure

Long deserted, that my end may not come quick

So I do not become useless and forgotten

By the men you created me to be of purpose to

You know me as the palm of your hands, this I’m sure of

Who I was, I am and will be is all clear to you

An orchestration that should never catch you surprised

For you are the Alpha and Omega

A realm you operate in with bliss


Even though I’ve always thought waiting would be fun

But waiting on You happens to be one of the hardest

And as time passes by it become more thought-raking

But here I am because I’ve come to realise this fact

That You truly exist and more than able to give peace

To this ranging heart of mine even in the midst of disturb

This process hurts but I trust you to see me through it

Teach me how to wait on you, as you progress on this project

With the look of things, it seems I’ll be needing this masterclass

So I don’t turn out bad and be an exception of your great artifice

I’m on my knees in supplication towards you, maker of all

I’m your project in progress, please, forsake me not


Playing Travis Greene – Be Still