You cause me to shiver
because your words are a wonder
They leave me torn
between a smile and a sigh
And I can’t
help it
Sometimes it
makes me passionate
You may not
realize the power they wield
softly or intensely spoken
But they’re kept
within me, locked up
Like the
memoirs of my childhood
Which I do
reminisce on
When I’m
alone, missing you
I re-call
and re-read them
Intense or
tenderly spoken
Affecting me until I’m left rendered
Powerless against my heart’s flutter
Your words
craft me
Like a lump
of clay in the potter’s hands
Until it
makes a masterpiece of me
And comfortably
do I feel tucked in
Like a baby,
in the love your word carries
So lovingly
delivered to my ears like music
As the wind
whistle them in pleasing rhythms
Your words
have reached my heart and soul
Trust me, they make me shiver