From cradle to grave is the journey of mankind
For that which was born must surely die
A response to the law of nature
But what differentiates us all as we live our lives
Is what happened between that lifetime
Even though sometimes we tend to wonder
If it’s all worth the stress and rigour we go through
Especially when they won’t cross over with us
But we tend to still do them anyway
For some reasons best known to us
Sometimes for the people in our lives
Like the family we belong to
The friends we picked at some point
For the love we found on the way
The new lives we brought to the world
Or for every other people’s lives we desire to touch
We make the move, even when it hurts
Take a walk through the burning dessert
Or swim across a freezing water
Not because we like the pain it brings
Nor because we love to walk in harm’s way
But a gesture of affection as we sometimes call it
For the things we care for deeply
For the ones we hold dear to our heart
For the burning fire of love within us
We can’t help but live completely
As in, live completely sold out for it