Lost Dominion

I’ve been privileged to see an evil under the sun
An error that can be blamed on whoever is in charge
Where foolishness is given a place of prominence
While wisdom & maturity is made to take a backseat
I’ve seen unproven upstarts riding in style on horses
Dresses in fine robes & purple linen like kings and princes
While the experienced veterans, true innovators, and lords
Have been pushed out to the fields to struggle like servants

For how long shall this folly continue?
And to whom shall we apportion this blame?
What shall we say about paupers in position?
How do we justify nobles who became nobody?
To what quarters shall we look unto for answers?
For it was never so, from the beginning

I’ve seen him and her born with wings to fly
But in their folly, made a choice to walk
I’m certain of them, that was given the power to oversee
That is being managed, reduced to the place of no one
I know about them who was given authority to rule
But treading the earth like slaves and bondservants

From the beginning, this was the order of things
“I have given you power and dominion was the decree
To take charge, subdue and occupy as the rightful owner”
Instead, they chose to trade their freedom for bondage
By staying away from free salvation to serve
And the prince of this world did rule them with austere
Here’s a piece of bad business I’ve seen on this earth

That took away dominion from them!