A Better Word


Friends, I stand before you this day a product of word

A seed of someone’s mind that became a conscious thought

From that unseen, and little figment of imagination

To become a being that can be seen and touched

That’s how much power the words you speak hold

It has the potential to make things happen

So I ask you, how have you been using it?


In the beginning, was the Word, and that Word became flesh

Not because it got bored of its original nature, definitely no

It was a needful process He had to go through for you and me

So that He can restore unto us those rights and privileges

That was ignorantly handed over from the inception of days

To the prince of this world who rules with great austere

Just so we can have a better word like restoration in place of lost


While He was here, He made us realize we have a lot of better word

Good enough to replace those unmeasured-up words we got used to

Just like He did with Simon Peter

The same man who confessed Him to be The Messiah

Almost became a stumbling block to the fulfillment of His purpose

But in place of that, He called him by a better word

Which became evident in his life that he led about 3000 to the fold


So, I ask, you who He bled, died and rose in glory for

Are you in sync with Him who first loved you, The Word Himself

For how long shall you continue to allow the fallen serpent

Deny you of what is already settled with the Father of all

When you can just call it a better word and see it glow up


Remember, you are one of the reasons He didn’t do it all in vain

At least, He won you over into His marvelous kingdom of light

A place of endless possibilities, where spoken words do wonder

Don’t let that conquered beast of old limit what blessings flow to you

For every situation, you may be going through

There’s always a better word you can say to it

Jesus is the better word.