The Perfect Man


This world will test your faith and patience

In fact, it'll put you through contentions

Most especially when you stand for a thing of honour

They exist to pressure you to take a bow if not a complete fall

By presenting you with a series of life circumstances

That makes it look like it's no big deal if you bend a bit

After all, everyone is doing it, why so serious about it

They exist to question your right standing in everything

But will it not be a big shame on my personality

When the need for a just man arises for positive change

And I, a renowned believer and follower of The Truth

Who is meant to be a representation of His embodiment

Of all that is just and proper, is being discarded with the rest

Simply because my justness is in question

And me, who was made light through sacred sacrifice

Could no longer illuminate as I was called to

He who was made perfect now stands faulty

Would it not be a shame?

Help, O Lord

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