Sorry Won't Fix This

Dearest to my soul you were

Like a friend turned family

So, in the spirit of love did I embrace you

As dry land welcomes the pouring rain


Our bond grew more substantial like the sea waves

Making people wonder if indeed we are not brothers

But your actions have left me in deep thinking

While I’m busy asking myself, what went wrong


The pains and sorrow I shared with you

In secrecy did I, and out of pure trust

But they turned out to be paragraphs on your pages

How does that encourage me to share with you again?

You knew of many opportunities, 'Friend'

That could have turned things around for me

Knowing how competent and skillful I am

But you’ve chosen to hoard them all

While the unneeded you’ve blown away

Despite your knowledge of my dire needs

But you did it all, just to mock my suffering

Yet you claim to have my best of interest at heart


You were meant to be to me a watchman

A seer over my soul as a fellow in faith

But you’re first to castigate my wrongs

Despite the height of the disorder in your life

Plus your toxic and cancerous act toward me

Yet you keep claiming to be my best neighbour

Despite my journey with people here and there

That has continually battered my ability to trust

Keeping me on edge when it comes to believing

But for you, I learned to heal

Because I understood how essential it was for our survival

So, you being honest with me at least this time

Tell me, will your sorry ever fix this?