A Ring for You

A ring for you, my bride to be

A symbol of our love, you see

A promise to cherish and to hold

Until we are grey and old


This ring is more than just a band

It represents a love that's grand

It's a reminder of the day we met

And all the memories we've yet to get


With this ring, I give you my word

That I'll love and cherish you forevermore

Through the highs and lows of life

And days of plenty or scarcity


It tells the world that you're mine

My heart, my love, my Valentine

It's a symbol of commitment and trust

A promise that I'll always be just


This ring is a token of my love

Pure and true as the heavens above

With it, I give you all that is mine

My heart, my soul, my life entwined


May this ring be a circle unbroken

A love that endures through every token

A symbol of the bond we share

A reminder of how much I care


So take this ring, my perfect bride

And wear it with love and pride

For with it comes a lifetime of bliss

A love that's sealed with a kiss