The Pages of Life


The pages of life

Are filled with joy and strife

Memories etched forever

Inked on each page together


The happy moments shine

Like stars in the night sky

The laughter and love divine

And hopes that appear high


But there's also pain

And tears shed in vain

The hurt that runs deep

Memories we’d rather not keep


Yet we must embrace it all

For it's the story we recall

Each page has its own tale

We must treasure them without fail


For Life is a book

With its every cranny and nook

And through every page

We find something to gauge


In the end, it's the sum of our parts

The collection of our hearts

The memories we hold dear

That makes our life story clear


So let us turn each page with care

For each one has a story to share

And may we always remember

The lessons learned from every chapter


In the end, when the book is closed

And our final story is composed

May our story be one of love

And the memories we leave - remembered above