To Him Who Got My Back


Right from childhood, I’ve had my share of life experiences

Growing up on the street of 'No Love to Give'

Raised in the house of 'Scarcity is the Norm', even love!

Educated within the walls of 'Life is Impossible'

Just to become an adult with a belief system

That no miracle is bound to happen in my cell 7


My requisite mind wouldn’t stick to all these

For it kept burning with a series of question

That begs to be answered

Perhaps the greatest gift life has ever gifted me

For it caused me to step out of my borders and find answers


As I take a walk in the street of 'What and Why'

To satisfy the curiosity that has grown deep within

I got to know of a mysterious being

Who has been doing the impossible I grew up knowing

Within the walls of life


Of how He is able to create a return path for the lost

Even brought restoration to them in Desolate Avenue

Caused the heart of those in 'Crying Close' to flood with joy

Yes, I heard about all of these but to me, they were mysteries

For nothing special ever featured within those timelines for me

Cos my night to morning for years seems to be the same


But I kept hearing a series of unbelievable testimonies

Of how the light at the end of the tunnel obeyed Him

And was caused to move in, just to guide the steps of His chosen ones

Testimony of how a life was given in ransom, for all humanity


In ecstasy do I wonder, as I try to wrap my head around it

For it’s a motion that opposes my learnings from 'The House of Scarcity'

That no one can love you enough to die for you

'Your burdens you shall carry and your wages you shall bear'

But here, they speak of a man who paid it all

And asked for nothing in return

But to acknowledge His great sacrifice with love

Towards Him and the men around me


In my opinion, He must have come from a very strange land

For this city I grew up in, has no love in them

Not to their fellow Countrymen let alone a stranger

The more I get to know of Him, the more amazed I am

And the more I still desire to know, for it caused a stir in me

The type that makes my heart to flutter

 Like the sighting of a distanced loved on

So, I’ve promised not to stop, till there’s an outburst within me 

The more I've got to know of Him, the deeper the mystery of His person

And guess what, I'm in awe!