Your Truth


In a world where truth is sought

A tapestry of thoughts and beliefs

People tend to weave their own version

Choosing what feels fleeting, unstable

Yet in this quest for personal truth

Frustration lingers like a ghost

Confusion reigns, shadows dance

For truths shift like sands on a shore

But let me tell you of a steadfast truth

A foundation that will never sway

For in the arms of the Eternal One

Lies the unchanging and stable way

Where others may falter and strive

God's truth stands firm, never to waver

In His essence, honesty resides

A beacon of light, forever and ever

So, cast aside the illusions of man

Embrace the truth that never deceives

Find solace in the eternal embrace

And let your heart, with God, finally breathe

In the depths of His unwavering truth

You'll discover peace that sets you free

No more confusion, no more despair

For God's truth is the key to peace of mind 

So let the world be, defining its own truth 

While you rest upon The Rock that is sure

For God's truth is like a guiding star above

It will lead you to a life that is pure and blissful