After the Fame

After the endless pursuit of fame
We find ourselves in the spotlight's cascade
With our talents honed, our dreams in flight
Reaching the pinnacle of success
Bathed in glamorous rays, so bright

Oh, how sweet the taste of success can be
As we bask in the applause, vast as the sea
But amidst the acclaim and the loud cheers
We must remember what truly makes us proud

For in this journey, as we rise and ascend
Our roots, our kin, our family, our dearest friends
They stand next to us, supporting our drive
Guiding us forward, helping us survive

So, let us not sacrifice those cherished ties
And not be blinded by the glitz and glamour
For when the spotlight dims and fades away
It'll be family waiting, with a warm embrace

Don't let the pursuit of fame and glory
Cause you to lose sight of what will truly remain
For when the curtains fall and the applause cease
Beloved ones will be there, to give that lasting peace

Embrace the journey with loved ones by your side
Do well to balance dreams and ties together
For in the end, when the fame has all but waned
Family will stand tall, as our legacy remains