I write to you
Dear Sons and Daughters of His Presence
You who He lived, bled, died and rose for
You who are part of the few that was chosen
To be partakers of His unending mercy and grace
Trust you're doing great in this age and time
That truth has become scarce and lie is gradually replacing it
Hope you're keeping strong in this faith
Which has been handed over to us by those before us
Trust you're not feeling confused and lost
And possibly considering following the doctrines of men
Those whose life's agenda is to confuse many
Who have chosen to be an agent of defiling
There's a whole lot of them around us now
In fact, we have them in the household of faith
Lacking fire on their alter but chasing after yours
Like assigned hirelings, sent on a mission
Flocking around like sheep but devouring wolves within
Don't forget, those who choose to be friends with this world
Have decided to be enemies to Him, the lover of their soul
Don't let their knowledge of the scriptures deceive you
Don't be a victim of their displayed "spiritual gifts"
That has lost its purpose, but redirected to serve personal gains
Don't forget, the fruit of the Spirit is much more important than the gifts
Even though it is His desire that we bare good and visible fruit
Be the light He has called you to be
Shine bright like the sun, unhindered
Let His unending love reflect in you
And through you to nations of the earth
Like rivers of living water, flow without borders