Wisdom, a Fine Woman

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In the realm where Kings and Queens walk

There, dwells a woman named Wisdom, a precious guide

Her radiance rivals the sun's golden rays

Her beauty transcends every human's way

With regal grace, she walks among us all

Unveiling truths that makes kingdoms rise and fall

She table her choices, both right and wrong

And the consequences she echoes strongly

Many desire her, but few seek her face

For she requires great commitment in life's race

In daily life, she provides strength and power

Like a fragrant blossom bursting from a flower

Woe and tragedy to those who neglects her call

And chose to embrace ignorance instead of her

For without her teachings, great darkness awaits

while pain and regrets consumes a heart once bold

Wisdom offers immortality to those who would listen

It is an elixir unlocking the path of life we need

She reveals long life's core deepest secrets to us

And grants us new life's chapter like never before

Stay away from ignorance, like the east to the west

It snatches joy and it's ways are treacherous

Embrace wisdom, in it's presence souls come alive

A lofty treasure, a fine woman, a beauty to behold